☎ 0827-82-3115
(電話受付 9:00~17:30)


Payment is Japan Yen Cash only

☎ 0827-82-3115
(電話受付 9:00~17:30)


Payment is Japan Yen Cash only

  • いろり山賊店はいわゆる「山賊」の元祖の店で、野外の席が多いのが特徴です。四季を楽しみながらの食事はまた格別です。

    営業時間10:00〜24:00(ラストオーダー 23:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance) いろり山賊_入口(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_窓口(Sanzoku_ticket counter) いろり山賊_玄関(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_店内の板間の席(Sanzoku_Seats in a room with a wooden floor) いろり山賊_縁側のお席(Sanzoku_We have open-air seats いろり山賊_通路奥の出口(Sanzoku_exit) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外にあるいろりの席(Sanzoku_out-of-doors seats with a fireplace) いろり山賊_こたつの席(Sanzoku_Kotatsu seat) いろり山賊_敷地内(Sanzoku_garden) いろり山賊_皇の森という席(Sanzoku_Forests of Sumeragi) いろり山賊_恵比寿の庭(Sanzoku_Garden of Ebisu) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_庭(Sanzoku_Garden) いろり山賊_庭の奥(Sanzoku_end of the garden) いろり山賊_稲成茶屋(Sanzoku_Inarijaya) いろり山賊_塊稲成神社(Sanzoku_Musubi Inari Jinja) いろり山賊_神社横の道(Sanzoku_path along the shrine) いろり山賊_おみくじ(Sanzoku_Omikuji) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_お土産売り場(Sanzoku_Souvenir shop) いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance)
  • 竈店はいろり山賊の隣に建っており、いろり山賊店より多くのメニューがございます。外の席もありまして、滝が流れ落ちるのを眺めながら食事していただけます。

    営業時間10:00~24:00(ラストオーダー 23:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance) 竈_提灯(Kamado_lantern) 竈_お土産売り場(Kamado_Souvenir shop) 竈_旧館と離れ(Kamado_separated buildings) 竈_旧館(Kamado_Interior of the older building of Kamado) 竈_離れ(Kamado_The interior of the detached) 竈_離れの隣の道(Kamado_Next road) 竈_竈店(Kamado_Kamado store) 竈_外の席(Kamado_Outside seat) 竈_滝(Kamado_waterfall) 竈_滝の上からの席(Kamado_View from the fall) 竈_池(Kamado_pond) 竈_かまど(Kamado_Kamado) 竈_いろりを囲んでの席(Kamado_Tables around a fireplace with a pot hanger) 竈_2階(Kamado_upstairs) 竈_小屋組(Kamado_structure of a room truss of wood without a ceiling) 竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance)
  • 桃李庵店は他店に比べメニュー数が多く、メインは皇牛の肉料理です。山賊焼やうどんなどもあり、中はお座敷になっております。

    営業時間10:00〜23:00(ラストオーダー 22:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_提灯(Tourian_lantern) 桃李庵_玄関(Tourian_front door) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_上の外観(Tourian_Appearance on) 桃李庵_階段(Tourian_Stairs) 桃李庵_有馬白匠要治氏の彫刻(Tourian_Youji Arimahakushou, a sculptor) 桃李庵_休憩所(Tourian_Rest area) 桃李庵_蔵造りの壁(Tourian_Warehouse wall) 桃李庵_壁の穴(Tourian_Hole in the wall) 桃李庵_広間(Tourian_Hall) 桃李庵_梁(Tourian_Beam) 桃李庵_床柱(Tourian_Floor pillar) 桃李庵_山賊本陣の城(Tourian_Castle of the Tribe Headquarters) 桃李庵_箱階段(Tourian_staircase combined with a cupboard) 桃李庵_二階席(Tourian_Upstairs seat) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_appearance)
  • 豪華な茅葺き屋根の店舗です。各店舗の中でもひときわ異彩を放っております。是非、重厚な建物を細部までごゆっくりご鑑賞ください。料理は山賊焼からステーキまでの全種類を揃えています。

    営業時間 10:00~22:00(ラストオーダー 21:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance) 山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion) 山賊砦_門(Sanzoku-toride_gate) 山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel) 山賊砦_建物(Sanzoku-toride_building) 山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door) 山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop) 山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop) 山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat) 山賊砦_堀ごたつ(Sanzoku-toride_Horigotatsu) 山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room) 山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style) 山賊砦_階段(Sanzoku-toride_Stairs) 山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor) 山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room) 山賊砦_中の間(Sanzoku-toride_Naka-no-Ma) 山賊砦_倉の間(Sanzoku-toride_Kura-no-Ma) 山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room) 山賊砦_庭(Sanzoku-toride_garden) 山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance)
  • 京都の祇園祭りの山車がモチーフのお店です。ここでの食事はお祭り気分!増築により山車のように見えないかもしれませんが、よく見ると車輪がございます。料理は山賊焼からステーキまでの全種類を揃えています。

    営業時間10:00~22:00(ラストオーダー 21:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance) 一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door) 一燈銭_提灯(Ittousen_lanterns) 一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat) 一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats) 一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area) 一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop) 一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building) 一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room) 一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance)
  • Irori Sanzoku is the first Sanzoku restaurant. It has many open-air seats. Dining with feeling seasons is joyful.

    Open10:00 to 24:00(Last orders is 23:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance) いろり山賊_入口(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_窓口(Sanzoku_ticket counter) いろり山賊_玄関(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_店内の板間の席(Sanzoku_Seats in a room with a wooden floor) いろり山賊_縁側のお席(Sanzoku_We have open-air seats いろり山賊_通路奥の出口(Sanzoku_exit) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外にあるいろりの席(Sanzoku_out-of-doors seats with a fireplace) いろり山賊_こたつの席(Sanzoku_Kotatsu seat) いろり山賊_敷地内(Sanzoku_garden) いろり山賊_皇の森という席(Sanzoku_Forests of Sumeragi) いろり山賊_恵比寿の庭(Sanzoku_Garden of Ebisu) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_庭(Sanzoku_Garden) いろり山賊_庭の奥(Sanzoku_end of the garden) いろり山賊_稲成茶屋(Sanzoku_Inarijaya) いろり山賊_塊稲成神社(Sanzoku_Musubi Inari Jinja) いろり山賊_神社横の道(Sanzoku_path along the shrine) いろり山賊_おみくじ(Sanzoku_Omikuji) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_お土産売り場(Sanzoku_Souvenir shop) いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance)
  • Kamado stands next to Irori Sanzoku. It has more extensive menu than that of Irori Sanzoku. Outdoor tables are available. Enjoy dining in the view of a waterfall.

    Open10:00 to 24:00(Last orders is 23:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance) 竈_提灯(Kamado_lantern) 竈_お土産売り場(Kamado_Souvenir shop) 竈_旧館と離れ(Kamado_separated buildings) 竈_旧館(Kamado_Interior of the older building of Kamado) 竈_離れ(Kamado_The interior of the detached) 竈_離れの隣の道(Kamado_Next road) 竈_竈店(Kamado_Kamado store) 竈_外の席(Kamado_Outside seat) 竈_滝(Kamado_waterfall) 竈_滝の上からの席(Kamado_View from the fall) 竈_池(Kamado_pond) 竈_かまど(Kamado_Kamado) 竈_いろりを囲んでの席(Kamado_Tables around a fireplace with a pot hanger) 竈_2階(Kamado_upstairs) 竈_小屋組(Kamado_structure of a room truss of wood without a ceiling) 竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance)
  • Torian has more extensive menu than other Sanzoku restaurants. It offers Sumeragi beef cuisine, mainly. Also we have Sanzoku-yaki, udon and others. Rooms are Japanese-style.

    Open10:00 to 23:00(Last orders is 22:00)
    ClosedThursdays (subject to change), 30th and 31th December
    桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_提灯(Tourian_lantern) 桃李庵_玄関(Tourian_front door) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_上の外観(Tourian_Appearance on) 桃李庵_階段(Tourian_Stairs) 桃李庵_有馬白匠要治氏の彫刻(Tourian_Youji Arimahakushou, a sculptor) 桃李庵_休憩所(Tourian_Rest area) 桃李庵_蔵造りの壁(Tourian_Warehouse wall) 桃李庵_壁の穴(Tourian_Hole in the wall) 桃李庵_広間(Tourian_Hall) 桃李庵_梁(Tourian_Beam) 桃李庵_床柱(Tourian_Floor pillar) 桃李庵_山賊本陣の城(Tourian_Castle of the Tribe Headquarters) 桃李庵_箱階段(Tourian_staircase combined with a cupboard) 桃李庵_二階席(Tourian_Upstairs seat) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_appearance)
  • The thatched-roofed restaurant stands out in other Sanzoku restaurant. Solid design of the architecture is worth notice. We offer all Sanzoku's menu from Sanzoku-yaki to beef steak.

    Open10:00 to 22:00(Last orders is 21:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance) 山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion) 山賊砦_門(Sanzoku-toride_gate) 山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel) 山賊砦_建物(Sanzoku-toride_building) 山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door) 山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop) 山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop) 山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat) 山賊砦_堀ごたつ(Sanzoku-toride_Horigotatsu) 山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room) 山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style) 山賊砦_階段(Sanzoku-toride_Stairs) 山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor) 山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room) 山賊砦_中の間(Sanzoku-toride_Naka-no-Ma) 山賊砦_倉の間(Sanzoku-toride_Kura-no-Ma) 山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room) 山賊砦_庭(Sanzoku-toride_garden) 山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance)
  • The theme is a float of the Gion Festival in Kyoto. Enjoy in a festive mood! It may not look like a float because of extending building, but you can find wheels. We offer all Sanzoku's menus from Sanzoku-yaki to beef steak.

    OpenOpen from 10:00 to 22:00 (Last orders is 21:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance) 一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door) 一燈銭_提灯(Ittousen_lanterns) 一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat) 一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats) 一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area) 一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop) 一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building) 一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room) 一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance)
  • 豪華な茅葺き屋根の店舗です。各店舗の中でもひときわ異彩を放っております。是非、重厚な建物を細部までごゆっくりご鑑賞ください。料理は山賊焼からステーキまでの全種類を揃えています。

    営業時間 10:00~22:00(ラストオーダー 21:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance) 山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion) 山賊砦_門(Sanzoku-toride_gate) 山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel) 山賊砦_建物(Sanzoku-toride_building) 山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door) 山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop) 山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop) 山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat) 山賊砦_堀ごたつ(Sanzoku-toride_Horigotatsu) 山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room) 山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style) 山賊砦_階段(Sanzoku-toride_Stairs) 山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor) 山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room) 山賊砦_中の間(Sanzoku-toride_Naka-no-Ma) 山賊砦_倉の間(Sanzoku-toride_Kura-no-Ma) 山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room) 山賊砦_庭(Sanzoku-toride_garden) 山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance)
  • The thatched-roofed restaurant stands out in other Sanzoku restaurant. Solid design of the architecture is worth notice. We offer all Sanzoku's menu from Sanzoku-yaki to beef steak.

    Open10:00 to 22:00(Last orders is 21:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance) 山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion) 山賊砦_門(Sanzoku-toride_gate) 山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel) 山賊砦_建物(Sanzoku-toride_building) 山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door) 山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop) 山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop) 山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat) 山賊砦_堀ごたつ(Sanzoku-toride_Horigotatsu) 山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room) 山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style) 山賊砦_階段(Sanzoku-toride_Stairs) 山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor) 山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room) 山賊砦_中の間(Sanzoku-toride_Naka-no-Ma) 山賊砦_倉の間(Sanzoku-toride_Kura-no-Ma) 山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room) 山賊砦_庭(Sanzoku-toride_garden) 山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance)



Sanzoku-toride guidance

Let us guide you around.



The theme is a traditional style of a multi-floored house in Tamugimata, Yamagata pref. It is called "kabuto zukuri". The form of roof has the presence. The design has been developed in daily life for years. When we designed it, we went study to Tamugimata with carpenters. This building needs our efforts and attention the most of all Sanzoku restaurants. It has been closed due to renovation.

山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion)


This passage with the gate to Sanzoku Toride. A lion on the left is male and it on the right is female. Cute, aren't they?



Passing thru a gate and walking further, a water wheel appears.

山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel)


Built in 2006. The material is cypress.



Close up the building. The roof is thicker than the standard thatched roof. In the past, greater roof shows more wealth.

山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door)


Here is the entrance of Sanzoku Toride.

山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop)


This is the entrance hall. Fancy lanterns over your head.

山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop)


A souvenir shop. Enjoy shopping after the meal.

山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat)


A table equipped a small fireplace at the center for 7 persons. Open ceiling space.



The feature is horigotatsu, of which heating element is set in a recess in the floor under a low table. In a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, please enjoy Sanzoku's cuisine. 8 tables are available.

山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room)


Private tea ceremony room. For 6 persons.

山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style)


Seats in Korean heating style. For 6 persons.



Let us take you to the second floor. Let's go upstairs from here. Look at a handrail. You will find an interesting substitute for a handrail.

山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor)


A large room on the second floor. Capacity is 32 persons. Best for a party!

山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room)


A private room. Capacity is 14 persons.



This is called "Naka-no-Ma" for 2 persons. Enjoy a relaxing time.



This is called "Kura-no-Ma" for 8 persons. Best for dining with a family. A private room.

山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room)


Back to the first floor, here is also a table. Without walls, you feel seasons: green in spring, cool breeze in summer and colored leaves in autumn.



The sound of a waterfall and a stream clear your mind.



Take care and have a safe drive back.