☎ 0827-82-3115
(電話受付 9:00~17:30)


Payment is Japan Yen Cash only

☎ 0827-82-3115
(電話受付 9:00~17:30)


Payment is Japan Yen Cash only

  • いろり山賊店はいわゆる「山賊」の元祖の店で、野外の席が多いのが特徴です。四季を楽しみながらの食事はまた格別です。

    営業時間10:00〜23:00(ラストオーダー 22:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance) いろり山賊_入口(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_窓口(Sanzoku_ticket counter) いろり山賊_玄関(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_店内の板間の席(Sanzoku_Seats in a room with a wooden floor) いろり山賊_縁側のお席(Sanzoku_We have open-air seats いろり山賊_通路奥の出口(Sanzoku_exit) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外にあるいろりの席(Sanzoku_out-of-doors seats with a fireplace) いろり山賊_こたつの席(Sanzoku_Kotatsu seat) いろり山賊_敷地内(Sanzoku_garden) いろり山賊_皇の森という席(Sanzoku_Forests of Sumeragi) いろり山賊_恵比寿の庭(Sanzoku_Garden of Ebisu) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_庭(Sanzoku_Garden) いろり山賊_庭の奥(Sanzoku_end of the garden) いろり山賊_稲成茶屋(Sanzoku_Inarijaya) いろり山賊_塊稲成神社(Sanzoku_Musubi Inari Jinja) いろり山賊_神社横の道(Sanzoku_path along the shrine) いろり山賊_おみくじ(Sanzoku_Omikuji) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_お土産売り場(Sanzoku_Souvenir shop) いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance)
  • 竈店はいろり山賊の隣に建っており、いろり山賊店より多くのメニューがございます。外の席もありまして、滝が流れ落ちるのを眺めながら食事していただけます。

    営業時間10:00~23:00(ラストオーダー 22:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance) 竈_提灯(Kamado_lantern) 竈_お土産売り場(Kamado_Souvenir shop) 竈_旧館と離れ(Kamado_separated buildings) 竈_旧館(Kamado_Interior of the older building of Kamado) 竈_離れ(Kamado_The interior of the detached) 竈_離れの隣の道(Kamado_Next road) 竈_竈店(Kamado_Kamado store) 竈_外の席(Kamado_Outside seat) 竈_滝(Kamado_waterfall) 竈_滝の上からの席(Kamado_View from the fall) 竈_池(Kamado_pond) 竈_かまど(Kamado_Kamado) 竈_いろりを囲んでの席(Kamado_Tables around a fireplace with a pot hanger) 竈_2階(Kamado_upstairs) 竈_小屋組(Kamado_structure of a room truss of wood without a ceiling) 竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance)
  • 桃李庵店は他店に比べメニュー数が多く、メインは皇牛の肉料理です。山賊焼やうどんなどもあり、中はお座敷になっております。

    営業時間10:00〜23:00(ラストオーダー 22:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_提灯(Tourian_lantern) 桃李庵_玄関(Tourian_front door) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_上の外観(Tourian_Appearance on) 桃李庵_階段(Tourian_Stairs) 桃李庵_有馬白匠要治氏の彫刻(Tourian_Youji Arimahakushou, a sculptor) 桃李庵_休憩所(Tourian_Rest area) 桃李庵_蔵造りの壁(Tourian_Warehouse wall) 桃李庵_壁の穴(Tourian_Hole in the wall) 桃李庵_広間(Tourian_Hall) 桃李庵_梁(Tourian_Beam) 桃李庵_床柱(Tourian_Floor pillar) 桃李庵_山賊本陣の城(Tourian_Castle of the Tribe Headquarters) 桃李庵_箱階段(Tourian_staircase combined with a cupboard) 桃李庵_二階席(Tourian_Upstairs seat) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_appearance)
  • 豪華な茅葺き屋根の店舗です。各店舗の中でもひときわ異彩を放っております。是非、重厚な建物を細部までごゆっくりご鑑賞ください。料理は山賊焼からステーキまでの全種類を揃えています。

    営業時間 10:00~22:00(ラストオーダー 21:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance) 山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion) 山賊砦_門(Sanzoku-toride_gate) 山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel) 山賊砦_建物(Sanzoku-toride_building) 山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door) 山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop) 山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop) 山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat) 山賊砦_堀ごたつ(Sanzoku-toride_Horigotatsu) 山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room) 山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style) 山賊砦_階段(Sanzoku-toride_Stairs) 山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor) 山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room) 山賊砦_中の間(Sanzoku-toride_Naka-no-Ma) 山賊砦_倉の間(Sanzoku-toride_Kura-no-Ma) 山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room) 山賊砦_庭(Sanzoku-toride_garden) 山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance)
  • 京都の祇園祭りの山車がモチーフのお店です。ここでの食事はお祭り気分!増築により山車のように見えないかもしれませんが、よく見ると車輪がございます。料理は山賊焼からステーキまでの全種類を揃えています。

    営業時間10:00~22:00(ラストオーダー 21:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance) 一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door) 一燈銭_提灯(Ittousen_lanterns) 一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat) 一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats) 一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area) 一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop) 一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building) 一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room) 一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance)
  • Irori Sanzoku is the first Sanzoku restaurant. It has many open-air seats. Dining with feeling seasons is joyful.

    Open10:00 to 23:00(Last orders is 22:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance) いろり山賊_入口(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_窓口(Sanzoku_ticket counter) いろり山賊_玄関(Sanzoku_entrance) いろり山賊_店内の板間の席(Sanzoku_Seats in a room with a wooden floor) いろり山賊_縁側のお席(Sanzoku_We have open-air seats いろり山賊_通路奥の出口(Sanzoku_exit) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外にあるいろりの席(Sanzoku_out-of-doors seats with a fireplace) いろり山賊_こたつの席(Sanzoku_Kotatsu seat) いろり山賊_敷地内(Sanzoku_garden) いろり山賊_皇の森という席(Sanzoku_Forests of Sumeragi) いろり山賊_恵比寿の庭(Sanzoku_Garden of Ebisu) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_外の席(Sanzoku_Outside seat) いろり山賊_庭(Sanzoku_Garden) いろり山賊_庭の奥(Sanzoku_end of the garden) いろり山賊_稲成茶屋(Sanzoku_Inarijaya) いろり山賊_塊稲成神社(Sanzoku_Musubi Inari Jinja) いろり山賊_神社横の道(Sanzoku_path along the shrine) いろり山賊_おみくじ(Sanzoku_Omikuji) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_子育て地蔵(Sanzoku_stone statue of raising children) いろり山賊_お土産売り場(Sanzoku_Souvenir shop) いろり山賊_外観(Sanzoku_Appearance)
  • Kamado stands next to Irori Sanzoku. It has more extensive menu than that of Irori Sanzoku. Outdoor tables are available. Enjoy dining in the view of a waterfall.

    Open10:00 to 23:00(Last orders is 22:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance) 竈_提灯(Kamado_lantern) 竈_お土産売り場(Kamado_Souvenir shop) 竈_旧館と離れ(Kamado_separated buildings) 竈_旧館(Kamado_Interior of the older building of Kamado) 竈_離れ(Kamado_The interior of the detached) 竈_離れの隣の道(Kamado_Next road) 竈_竈店(Kamado_Kamado store) 竈_外の席(Kamado_Outside seat) 竈_滝(Kamado_waterfall) 竈_滝の上からの席(Kamado_View from the fall) 竈_池(Kamado_pond) 竈_かまど(Kamado_Kamado) 竈_いろりを囲んでの席(Kamado_Tables around a fireplace with a pot hanger) 竈_2階(Kamado_upstairs) 竈_小屋組(Kamado_structure of a room truss of wood without a ceiling) 竈_外観(Kamado_Appearance)
  • Torian has more extensive menu than other Sanzoku restaurants. It offers Sumeragi beef cuisine, mainly. Also we have Sanzoku-yaki, udon and others. Rooms are Japanese-style.

    Open10:00 to 23:00(Last orders is 22:00)
    ClosedThursdays (subject to change), 30th and 31th December
    桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_提灯(Tourian_lantern) 桃李庵_玄関(Tourian_front door) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_Appearance) 桃李庵_上の外観(Tourian_Appearance on) 桃李庵_階段(Tourian_Stairs) 桃李庵_有馬白匠要治氏の彫刻(Tourian_Youji Arimahakushou, a sculptor) 桃李庵_休憩所(Tourian_Rest area) 桃李庵_蔵造りの壁(Tourian_Warehouse wall) 桃李庵_壁の穴(Tourian_Hole in the wall) 桃李庵_広間(Tourian_Hall) 桃李庵_梁(Tourian_Beam) 桃李庵_床柱(Tourian_Floor pillar) 桃李庵_山賊本陣の城(Tourian_Castle of the Tribe Headquarters) 桃李庵_箱階段(Tourian_staircase combined with a cupboard) 桃李庵_二階席(Tourian_Upstairs seat) 桃李庵_外観(Tourian_appearance)
  • The thatched-roofed restaurant stands out in other Sanzoku restaurant. Solid design of the architecture is worth notice. We offer all Sanzoku's menu from Sanzoku-yaki to beef steak.

    Open10:00 to 22:00(Last orders is 21:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance) 山賊砦_門と獅子(Sanzoku-toride_Gate and lion) 山賊砦_門(Sanzoku-toride_gate) 山賊砦_水車(Sanzoku-toride_Water wheel) 山賊砦_建物(Sanzoku-toride_building) 山賊砦_玄関(Sanzoku-toride_Front door) 山賊砦_店内(Sanzoku-toride_Inside of shop) 山賊砦_お土産売り場(Sanzoku-toride_Souvenir shop) 山賊砦_カウンター席(Sanzoku-toride_Counter seat) 山賊砦_堀ごたつ(Sanzoku-toride_Horigotatsu) 山賊砦_茶室(Sanzoku-toride_Private tea ceremony room) 山賊砦_オンドル風の造りのお席(Sanzoku-toride_Seats in Korean heating style) 山賊砦_階段(Sanzoku-toride_Stairs) 山賊砦_2階の広間(Sanzoku-toride_A large room on the second floor) 山賊砦_個室(Sanzoku-toride_A private room) 山賊砦_中の間(Sanzoku-toride_Naka-no-Ma) 山賊砦_倉の間(Sanzoku-toride_Kura-no-Ma) 山賊砦_茶室の縁側(Sanzoku-toride_The porch of the tea room) 山賊砦_庭(Sanzoku-toride_garden) 山賊砦_外観(Sanzoku-toride_Appearance)
  • The theme is a float of the Gion Festival in Kyoto. Enjoy in a festive mood! It may not look like a float because of extending building, but you can find wheels. We offer all Sanzoku's menus from Sanzoku-yaki to beef steak.

    OpenOpen from 10:00 to 22:00 (Last orders is 21:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance) 一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door) 一燈銭_提灯(Ittousen_lanterns) 一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat) 一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats) 一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area) 一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop) 一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building) 一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room) 一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance)
  • 京都の祇園祭りの山車がモチーフのお店です。ここでの食事はお祭り気分!増築により山車のように見えないかもしれませんが、よく見ると車輪がございます。料理は山賊焼からステーキまでの全種類を揃えています。

    営業時間10:00~22:00(ラストオーダー 21:00)
    店休日不定休 ※営業日カレンダーをご参照ください
    一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance) 一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door) 一燈銭_提灯(Ittousen_lanterns) 一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat) 一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats) 一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area) 一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop) 一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building) 一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room) 一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance)
  • The theme is a float of the Gion Festival in Kyoto. Enjoy in a festive mood! It may not look like a float because of extending building, but you can find wheels. We offer all Sanzoku's menus from Sanzoku-yaki to beef steak.

    OpenOpen from 10:00 to 22:00 (Last orders is 21:00)
    ClosedIrregular hours
    Please refer to our business day calendar for more information.
    一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance) 一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door) 一燈銭_提灯(Ittousen_lanterns) 一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat) 一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats) 一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area) 一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop) 一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building) 一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room) 一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats) 一燈銭_外観(Ittousen_Appearance)



Ittousen guidance

Let us guide you around.



Approaching Boujiga-touge of Nishiki town in a mountain area, you will find a large festival float mounted with a long decorative halberd, which is a reproduction of a float of Gion Festival in Kyoto.
The name of Ittousen originates in "Ittousen Moushiawase" which is a meeting of political activity to build a better country in the turbulent Meiji Restoration. We chose this name because we want to unite solidly. Also the source of the name is the theme of building, Kyoto.

一燈銭_玄関(Ittousen_Front door)


This is the entrance. From here, you don't find a festival float, but the fun part is yet to come. Let's go inside.



Many lanterns make you feel in a festival mood. Take your time and choose your seat.

一燈銭_メインの席(Ittousen_Main seat)


This is the main floor. Many lanterns are hung. One of the most cheerful mood in all Sanzoku restaurants.

一燈銭_道路側の席(Ittousen_Road side seats)


The area near the road has a calmer atmosphere than other seats. Feel ease in the light of lanterns.

一燈銭_休憩所(Ittousen_Rest area)


Lobby at the entrance. Please kindly wait here when tables are occupied. Surrounding a small fireplace, enjoy cozy Japanese style space.

一燈銭_お土産売り場(Ittousen_Souvenir shop)


Souvenir shop next to the lobby. Choose gifts for a memory of your trip.

一燈銭_建物の一番奥の裏側の席(Ittousen_The back seat at the back of the building)


Seats on the other side of the building. Capacity is 6 persons. A stream runs beside the room. Enjoy the sound of water.

一燈銭_長屋(Ittousen_Slim-line room)


A separated, slim-line room. Capacity is 26 persons. Hori-gotatsu is equipped, of which heating element is set in a recess in the floor under a low table. With more leg room, comfortable for those who have weak legs. This room is inspired by a terrace house in old times.

一燈銭_長屋門から見た裏庭の風景(Ittousen_Garden view from Nagaya-mon)


Garden view from Nagaya-mon. Splendid view from here.

一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats)


In winter, outdoor seats might not be available due to snow. Enjoy the open-air seats when beautiful weather.

一燈銭_屋外席(Ittousen_Outdoor seats)


Chat in outdoor, being surrounded by green. It must be forgetful of the time.



Take care and have a safe drive back. It becomes completely dark here in a deep mountain area. We look forward to your coming to our restaurant again.